

Where the beer flows like wine and the women flock like the salmon of the Capistrano, or something like that. I got the chance to take my Moustache down to Southern California this past week. It was a pleasant change from the cold, dreary Portland weather. We actually were out in Indio east of Palm Springs. It was nice, hot and dry. There was a pool near that had a lazy river in it. If you are not familiar with a lazy river it is basically a short man made river that goes in a circle so you sit on your raft and never have to walk back to the start.

The trip also gave me a chance to try out my new Pentax Optio W60 waterproof digital camera. I was pretty impressed with the results. I have some pics over at Flickr and a video on Youtube. This is the same camera I used down at the Dixie but this was it's first trip under water.

Besides insane amounts of time at the pool, I did manage to do a few other things, most importantly a rare visit to In N Out, so good, went for the 4x4 animal style!

I did see some pretty strong Moustaches while down there but didn't get much of a chance to promote the cause although I did sell a couple shirts and can cozies! Any ways, now I am back in Portland, quickly losing my tan, and being hailed on as I walked my dog this afternoon...

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