
Moustache For President

Now those who know me know that I am not one for much on the political front.  While I am quite grateful for the freedoms we do have in this country I think our political system is flawed.  Any you go out to cast your vote for president, remember, though you might not have heard of him, there is a third choice...

Bob Barr, the presidential candidate for the Libertarian party.  One of the most amazing things is the fact that he has a moustache, which just screams, "I am ready to lead this country with confidence."  I have done some research on the Libertarian party and while I don't agree with everything they believe I am definitely down for smaller government!

Any ways, even if you don't vote for the Moustached Candidate, do get out there and vote.  The only way we might ever see change is for people to voice their opinions.

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