
After Burn After Reading George Clooney Sports Moustache

The man, the myth, the legend, George Clooney has been spotted sporting a Moustache for an upcoming film roll according this Telegraph UK article.  Supposedly he is some crazy soldier who utilizes ancient Chinese mind techniques to deal with the enemy.  So kind of loosely based on my own life story...of a dream I had once.  The movie is titled Men that Stare at Goats.

Oddly enough as I write this entry and think about my last few I am beginning to understand my own underlying purpose behind this blog.  I think as I look at those around me that don't believe in Moustache March, I want them to see how cool it is to have a 'stache for a while.  I mean there is a dating site, Adam Corolla did it, now George Clooney?  I am confident enough in my own 'stache that it is not a personal defense but more of my own version of an infomercial. What more do you need.  It just makes sense.

Is Online Dating Safe for the Moustached?

During one of my quests for the new and interesting in the depths of the interwebs I happened to stumble upon something amazing.  There is a new dating site called
Stache Passions, and I quote: 

A 100% free social networking & online dating site specifically for singles with a passion for the Stache.
Now by the grace of God I found my soul mate(girl willing to put up with my antics) so I don't require the services of such a site.  But it is encouraging that there is a place for the owner/seeker of the moustache to go to connect.  I have had single guys tell me in the past that they will pass on the 'stache to keep their options open.  I say if your significant other can't accept you with a 'stache, what's next?  Tucked in shirts and chick flicks?  You have to hold your ground and now you can find that special someone who is already down with it.

Note:  After looking at the site more, it looks like it is pretty young but hopefully it will grow.  It also appears that the site is part of a passions dating network but I am still impressed that this site exists!

'Stache Bash 2008

If you follow the Moustache Community at all, you are pr
obably well aware that this month brings Stache Bash 2008 to the Lumiere Casino in St. Louis.  This event is put on by our good friends over at the American Mustache Institute.  I will not be able to make the trip this year but if you are in the neighborhood, or have an abundance of frequent flyer miles, you won't want to miss the event.  They are also currently taking votes for the Mustached American of the Year which will be announced at the event.  The event goes down 10/25 and has been themed as "It'll be a Hairy Halloween."  Tickets are $22 online and $25 at the door.  With the price of admission you get live music, open bar, a gaming coupon for the casino and plenty of prizes are up for grabs as well.  They expect to sell out the event with 1000 people which is pretty impressive. Although we like to put are energies into the month of March we are very grateful for the work done by AMI and will continue to support their endeavors in supporting the Moustache.